Why Sport Hunting Is Cruel and Unnecessary

John Carlson
3 min readFeb 16, 2022


Report Animal Abuse to stop trophy hunting in UK

Hunting has been an essential aspect of the human race’s survival for 100,000 years. Now things have changed. Hunting is no more about survival; it is now more about fun, enjoyment, and leisure. Over past years hunting has affected the animal population on quite a vast basis. The extinction of many animals worldwide, including the great auk and the Tasmanian tiger, has happened due to hunting.

Hunting is today permitted in many national forests, wildlife refuges, and other areas. Millions of animals are killed, and among those millions of hunters, few people like us report animal abuse, while others either go hunt for fun or sit at home as it is none of their concern.

Brings pain

Hunting might sound cool to people, but have you ever wondered what happens to animals. For once, let’s not talk about ones killed because pain for them has ended; what about the ones who get injured? Whenever they play hunting games, specifically trophy hunting, tons of animals are wounded and injured. These animals are left untreated, left there in misery and pain. They suffer through all their wounds and the ones who can’t fight and die. It is one of the biggest reasons to eradicate trophy hunting so we can avoid these painful deaths and lives. Hunting puts animals in pain at that moment and leaves scars that are traumas. Migration and hibernation are an important part of animal lifestyles; hunting can bring enormous disturbance. Animals like wolves can be devastated as they live in pacts or close-knit family units. Their entire community gets disturbed, and they suffer later. Talking about suffering traumas from loud noises and fear that has been given by hunters and their guns stay in the head of the animal which disrupts their normal eating habits hence bringing chaos in their lives.

Nothing but a profit-driven industry

Everything is money to people nowadays. Hunting is one of the biggest money-generating industries. To attract more people, or you can say more money, hunting games are held under the name of population control. These games have heavy registration fees that give licenses to play with nature. Hundreds of animals are killed while tons are left injured in such games. Imagine paying to be cruel, isn’t that sadist? That’s why everyone should stand up against these satanic games, report animal abuse and put an end to trophy hunting.

How can we help

The first thing that will come to your mind thinking about what you can do is join a wildlife group that might work against animal abuse. Let me burst a bubble for you, most of these so-called conservation groups such as the national wildlife federation, world wildlife funds are in support of sport-hunting, or at least they don’t speak against it. Suppose you want to make a difference starting with your area. Put on banners of no hunting educate people about wildlife protection laws. You can join anti-hunting organizations, work alongside them, report animal abuse and put an end to trophy hunting.

